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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Courses and Trainings

As a girl, I of course never tried repairing pipes or whatsoever. I will flood the toilet if I do. My eldest sister however is a SuperGirl. As my dad is often not around, my eldest sis can do everything from changing a bulb to fixing DIY shoe racks to fixing pipes. Although not beautifully done and we ended up calling up a plumber.

This got me interested to learn how to fix things. I have always wanted to learn how to fix computer, how to fix bulbs and of course how to fix pipes. It makes me feel more independent I guess and superior as I can do it, even without guy's help. Worst come to worst, I'll call up a female plumber!!! =P Yea, I am that ego.

Anyway, I've been to numerous trainings be it an official one or not. I've been to sales trainings back in secondary school, I've been to a speaking trainings to build up confidence and such. From this company, Avand, that provides
Management Courses, I came across another course that fits my needs and that is Plumbing Course. It also provides Sales Training and of course like I said, Management Courses as well.

What I like most about this course is that they provide you a form to fill in and they will suggest several courses that fits your needs. At least you know that the courses you are about to attend will definitely benefit you. I've been to several courses that turned out to be something I don't find fits me then. Wasted money and time for something I don't really need in my daily life.

How I wish these courses by
Management Courses are available in Malaysia. It is a UK company. =(

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