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Thursday, July 16, 2009

No one said it's going to be easy

No one told us it is going to be easy.

In fact, everyone was disapproving.

But we did it anyway.

Because that's what we want to do.

Because we believed that we should at least try once or we'll always regret not taking that route.

And because of that, we have to persevere.

We have to prove that we can pull this through, the two of us, together, hand in hand.

Even if at the end of the day, we failed, at least we gave ourselves a chance.

We will gather all the knowledge learnt and be wiser. =)


reddaisie said...

amboi...sejak bila adik ada boyfren??
gonna pull thru together??
sipek romantic leh...

Mrs Chong said...

T_____T dont kong seong sam bf...i lomantik leh????

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