I thought Misbun Sidek and Chong Wei has sad face. I mean look at that freaking Lin Dan. He muka so licik but not so sedih looking ma. He got that senyum sinis on his freaking face. Lin Dan I mean.
And then again, maybe it's cause Sidek and Chong Wei are very pressured since well, the score for the second round is seriously quite pathetic, not that I would blame Chong Wei. That Lin Dan guy is really scary.

At least Chong Wei looks less sad when he won other competition.
I would give credit for Chong Wei for winning the silver although he sucked badly in the finals. Lots of mistake made but hey, I cannot play like that, I'll probably look as blue as his energy drink even before finish playing. Out of breath. XD
So WAY TO GO CHONG WEI!!!! =) I'm on a holiday mood. Happy.
lin dan so handsome =D
YUCKS!! I bet you will be one of those jumping up and down trying to catch his smelly shoes when he threw it. YUCKY
lol, everyone's talking about their coloured drinks.
lol..true what...so sharp one the color...i wonder what's in it...
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