If you are not interested with artiste especially local ones, I guess you will be bored with this post as well. I wanted to post up pics but I need time to edit the pictures. I don't want to post up pictures like the one I posted earlier for Evan's event. So be patient. The pictures will be up after this post. Last Saturday, my initial plan was to study but Eric Lim is coming to town. What you expect? I headed down to Prangin Mall at 2pm to catch Vick and then waited till 3pm for Eric. Vick's new song was great. I love each and every one of them and I am having second thoughts bout him. For those who really really know me and my craziness for singers, you probably know that I used to like Victor from MI1. It was because he sang the song 'Put your head on my shoulder' and I love it so much, I stopped supporting any other contestant despite their wonderful performance each week. I am that bias I tell you. *So now, all of you really really know me already. =p *
So talking bout Vick. His 'Hui Lai' was great. I love his album and it was really too bad that Gurney Plaza was having a sale on the same day as their promo tour and people go to Gurney for cheap stuff. Penangites can be pretty kiam siap (stingy) you know? Even one cent cheaper they will go for it. Kiam siap in the sense that they will not buy those things during normal price day. They will wait till offer then all attack the mall for cheap stuff. So kiam siap. Refer to this blog if you don't know how kiasu and kiam siap Penangites are at times. You can anytime shoot this guy for saying that Penangites are kiam siap but please, don't shoot me. TT . Sorry Chen Seng. =P Okay. Back to the promo show. The crowd was small but I am sure it will gets bigger by time and Vick will create a name in this industry just like the other singers. He is a not bad singer you know? I am undeniably impressed. Speechless. He is better than I thought he is. With this smile-and-you-wont-see-my-eyes trademark, he drives us, the viewer crazy because we can't take a pic with his eyes opened. Or maybe it was open. It's so funny that the girls keep on saying, "Take the pic only when he opens his eyes. Ask him to open his eyes." Lawak-ness. Anyway, Ju-Yen went up the stage to talk to Vick and it was really something I wouldn't do even if you threaten to kill me. Not even a lizard can make me move my ass up there. Wait a minute, I think lizards have that ultimate power over me. =p
Then at bout 3pm, Shan, Cheng Ling and Melody came to find me. They finished their show already. They stayed a little longer to wait for Eric. Eric came out with less cheers than Vick because Ju-Yen and Lay Leng went for movies and I am so not gonna cheer there all alone, am I? So yea, pity Eric too. But I am sure he knows we enjoyed his performance and I am pretty timid when it comes to being overly crazy. So yea, I love his songs and though I am still clueless of the titles, they are so nice, I bought the album. I got Vick's too. Eric's album is RM20 for two. I just know that the other album has only one song of his. Anyway, I went up to get his autograph and I was told that I have to go down and unwrap the other album in order to get his signature. So off I go and the second time I was on stage, he was like," Eh?" And he smiled, so handsome, you can die of staring at him. So cute. Anyway, after that they had some photo session which I did not join because I am all alone. Then we went to Shan's house to study. *Thanks Shan* Wink.
At about 6pm, mum came to fetch me because I had to go to Nanyang Charity's Concert in Pisa. Initially, I thought Daniel will be the sole performer while the rest would be just normal show put up by the students, just like Han Chiang's Concert. Boy was I wrong. When I got there, there were speeches. Then some cool looking dancers come out and started dancing. Then Newz came out and we were all going crazy. If you do not know Newz, view my next posting. It'll be of pictures and pictures only. Then there's M Girls, Aric Ho, Daniel, Z Chen, Dylan, Rao Yan Ting, Aki, Yang Wei Han, Summer Grace and Winnie Kwok. I did not know that they are coming. So worth the price. RM 10 is nothing compared to the fun we had. We actually ran to the stage to take a better glimpse of them despite all those scary fierce looking Kadet Remaja. Heh, yes, Kadet Remaja was the security I think.
We were screaming so loudly and having so much fun in the stadium and we swore to pretend that we were not there. What to do? I still need to feed my readers with details. Anyway, we had so much fun especially when Daniel actually acknowledge our presence. He gave us flying kiss. I think he doesn't do that often. At least not to Penang Pinkies. At times we feel so small and just one small gesture from him shows that we are equally important. Heh, sound mushy? Well, it always feels good to be acknowledge and appreciated. We had so much fun snapping photos and cheering.
After the whole show, we ran in the rain to some shed hoping that we can get a tiny glimpse of those artiste. Mana tau, they didn't come out and we were about to give up. We walked back into the stadium from the 'kitchen area' only to see Newz walking towards us. We waved our goodbyes and soon more and more singers came out. We were busy waving goodbyes and drying ourselves. Then Daniel came and we were so happy. Lay Leng whispered that Penang Pinkies misses him and he said " I MISS U TOO! " These 4 words were so touching. It has been a long time since we last saw him as he is always busy in K.L and barely has performance or show here in Penang. We were on cloud 9 and because the stadium was cold, we walked into the rain again and went back to the shed earlier to think of what to do next.
That was when we saw the artiste getting up the bus and we waved goodbye again. They were really friendly and so not stuck up. Me love local artiste. Then Aric came running in the rain and we waved to him. Then we left shortly after that. I drove to fetch mummy. When we were leaving, we saw the artistes' bus in front of Medan Bayan. They had their supper there I guess. Any artiste who went and accidentally came into my blog? Hehe, can comment if you guys had supper there or not you know? =P Anyway, it was fun and I began to love these people more and more.
Pics on the next post. Sorry for the lengthy post. =)
Daniel actually looks into Ju-Yen's camera and waved!! How come I can never capture such beautiful gestures? =( But thank you Ju-Yen for this pic. Me love it. =) Daniel rocks.
more pic in another post. =) Go to www.daniel-lee.net for more pictures. You will have fun there, believe me. So many things to learn and so many things to see.
Pictures *sorry for the late update*
Daniel hitting high notes. Standing right above me. Well, he is on the stage ma.
Newz. The middle one is Elvis. He is cute.
They singing 'Jin Tian Ni Yao Jia Gei Wo'
Z Chen. Any fans of his?
Those pictures with www.daniel-lee.net on top is taken from Daniel's Fan Club (Pinkies World). Those without are either from friends or mine. =)
Pictures *sorry for the late update*

Those pictures with www.daniel-lee.net on top is taken from Daniel's Fan Club (Pinkies World). Those without are either from friends or mine. =)
Wah are u trying to promote my blog or get penang ppl to flame me?hahahahahahahaha
Vick and victor's fan??hahaa same like my mom(not mak shan)
wahseh..asyik kerja singer..i think u shud consider being an MC or an artist la..hehehe
chenseng: a bit of both la...good one la...dun worry..kekeke... =)
pao: yea..now I am thinking of studying to be a event manager or something.. =) or journalism oso good..hehehe..
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