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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Library day 2

I thank God and other human kind for the creation of air-cond. It rained but it's not enough.

Anyhow, I got my Translation and Interpretation coursework. I got a big fat C+ congratulation to Ms. Ch'ng Ping Ping. What to do? Everyone got almost the same grade. Either a B-, C+ or C. I guess we should always be grateful.

Besides, I've never had high expectation for this paper anyway. I suck at it.

I suddenly think of past. You know, like friends - from primary till secondary, school, YOU *real good friends who are reading* and many other things that happened before this. I'm so tired (i don't know why since I don't study much) that at one point, the thought of giving up is so so so strong. I wish I can blend in better with the class. The very one thing that I'll never be able to do. Or perhaps I'm slow at adapting? Slow mo Ping.

Whatever, I am starting to hate the pile of notes that I am not sure whether it'll be useful or not. Friday faster come and go. I want my freedom back!! Not that I study extra rajin pun.


LiZaRdboi_88 said...

Just as a matter of fact, Dr. Aniswal is one hard-to-please lecturer. Similar grade (B-, C+, C) for anyone who was under her for coursework, so cheer up, alrite?

And I wish all of you good luck. *I know you guys are in the exam hall now*

Mrs Chong said...

actually our paper is at i am still in my room, trying to swallow the notes. T.T

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