Last Saturday, Diana, Jen,
Yi Lin and I went Gurney for a movie and Crepe Cottage for pancakes. Win, we ordered the right one this time!!!!!
BBQ Korean is so much yummier now but fries freaking a lot.

#1. We ordered four sets and a soup. It's really good. I love the food there now. But yea, fattening. So.... =))

#2. That's
Yi Lin and I in the first picture, Jen and Diana in the second, Diana and I in the third and me making faces in the last picture.

#3. Jen,
YiLin, Me, Diana. I love them.

#4. We went for a movie, House Bunny after dinner. I managed to grab a tank top from
Padini before that. In the first picture, I was trying to imitate that mouse. Fail, I know. I was cuter.
#5. We decided to take one last shot before going into the cinema cause we thought we will be able to take in there before they off the light.

#6. After movies, they were thinking of getting a drink or so before going back. But Lecka-lecka chap lap already. So we went Crepe Cottage.

#7. Us having our drinking picture. Diana refuse to take one.

#8. And since we don't take no as an answer *sound so bimbo and mean* we decided to FORCE her to drink.
Ok la, pretend only. She was on the phone anyway.

#9. We waited freaking long for the pancakes and we do what we do best, we

#10. We got the orders right this time cause we order by the name and not the number. We ordered Flap Jack with Orange Sherbet (1st picture) , Sunburst (the mango one) and Plum and Strawberry Crepe, and Mango Slush.

#11. After a long wait for the pancakes, you MUST
camwhore. Anyway, we think the Strawberry and Plum Crepe was
fantabulous. And we think the ice creams are home made.

#12. After satisfying our sweet tooth cravings, we went to the sea side to take some pictures.

#13. And again, Diana accidentally cut
Yi Lin out.

#14. I actually love this shot. =))
#15. Our shadow. I wanted to take many more of this but someone JUST have to play firecrackers near us and we decided to head home.
#16. Diana sent us home in her car full of soft toys.

#17. And that's the dorky me on Sunday after church service wearing the
baju I bought the day before.
=)) The End.
I am thinking of 17th November already (paper ends on the 17th.)
Oh and darlings, we are going to KL on the 4
th or 5
th kay? =)) Further planning and itinerary will be sent out after exam.
come come come
faster come kl!!!!!!!!
I am saving money to shop shop shop!!!
eh u bought clothes! and i didnt buy any! improvement improvement.. hmm hmm wtf
super value okay??? RM19 only wtf
pinggggggggggggg! kl trip not on 15 meh. if on 4 or 5 then i cannot la. i workinggggggg. postpone!!!!! pls.tqs luv ya.
diana: Aiyo...we have to register for our courses from 13th to 21st...I sked if we go there then tak sempat register. Some more like if not register from own house very ma fan, later need this need that susah. We discuss after my exam..
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