If we were to go Times Square, we should stop at Imbi. But because we were going to Sungei Wang, we got off at Bukit Bintang. Just one station away. However, the distance between Sungei Wang and Times Square are much nearer compared to Midlands to Gurney. Only few minutes walk. So before we got to Sungei Wang, we actually passes Times Square and as monorail is up there and not down, we can actually see the fans sitting there already. A lot of fans were there already. We rushed to Sungei Wang, put our luggage and ran to Times Square and found a place for Ju-Yen. The itchy ass us went shopping and leave Ju-Yen there. This in the end led to problems of me unable to get a clearer view of the two Taiwanese artiste. Nevermind, I did not like them at that time. So I don't really mind.

So back to shopping, we walked around, took some pictures with Hana Kimi standees, bought some posters and played rock fever. Then we went for lunch and go to find Ju-Yen already. As the place were very much crowded, we stood in front of Dome. I stood there for hours okay? Banana one. Late wor. Late for one hour plus I think. There were more than 8 thousand fans I think. They had to use the fan which sprinkles water to keep the fans cool.
Then around 4.30p.m Yu Zhe come out and sang. He sang two songs but I not sure the title for the 1st song. The second song was Zhuan Shu Tian Shi by Tank. After he sang, Wu Zun came out and did some talking. I was clueless of what happened because I was not standing on chairs. Short people like me can only see people's head. So I did not really see. But I know that they had some basketball game on the stage. Then I try to go in front but at that time they are already seated for auto session therefore I did not see much of them. We walked around and then Yi Lin and her sis got into the fans corner and ran to the front to have a better look. I did not go in front but I stood near the back stage. I managed to see Wu Zun and Yu Zhe got off the stage and got into the car. That was all for this two artiste.
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