Its like a big big family where we play different roles. We can never overlap each other's work. Instead, we assist each other, we make sure everything is right. There is no one replacing another. It feels wrong when one is not there and I am blessed to be accepted into their group, their family in school. Who cares if I am not famous? The people I need were and still are with me throughout my entire school life. All those "ponteng", extra-activities, deadly assemblies, leg-killing cross country, they are with me. All the way. I know why I did not cry in Majlis Mohon Restu, because I am so convinced, no matter what life brings me, I'll never drift apart from my buddies, from the people who made me who I am today. Emmoes that I am still very much close to showed me that this will work. We will see each other, keep each other updated and still be as happy and excited with lots of gossip when we meet one day.

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