I went to PBA at 9 something and then left at 12 something hoping to catch a glimpse of Daniel and Desiree before going back to study. I was there at about 1 and waited until almost 2 before I met the other Pinkies. Then Aunty Swan and Uncle IH came and the rest came along. The "glimpse" was a very very very darn satisfying one. Imagine to be able to see your idol just two steps away. It was THAT close. I was in cloud nine and they then said that we can let them sign.
WHAT??? I can let them sign, personalize everything and I did not bring Desiree's EP from Superstar and Buddies' CD??? How am I suppose to know that cutie Kit was going to be there? I was very sad but well, I got the Buddies' graduation book. You can let your friends write in the book and I am giving Bentengs the privilege to do so. Kit wrote in my book!! Without my name but its okay. I am happy. I am always like star struck when I see them. I will become numb and dumb, I won't say a word. Blardy boh lor eong. But its okay. The Buddy Graduation book came with two other songs of theirs which are very very good and I love them. =) Enough of talking, pictures. Oh by the way, they had this mini concert at 5 p.m. So I failed to go back to PBA to continue studying. I watched the concert until 8p.m. Had a blast with Pinkies. Together the pictures, will be some short description and stories of the day.
The meet-the-fans session was held in a small area where you can almost touch the artiste if you really want to. It was really really really MEET the fans session. I've never been so close to an artiste before. Seriously. So they had this chit-chat session to talk about what they've been up to and it was awesome. Although I did not hear what they said cause I was busy taking pictures, I had a fantastic 210 beautiful pictures.
Four of them. Kit was not in some pictures. But no worries. More of him later.
Kit Zhang from Buddies. Blardy cute I tell you. SO HANDSOME!!!
Photo session. Lol. Real candid. Daniel seems like dancing in the last picture.
I was in the first row. Perfect pictures. I suka.
Some of them look into my camera but not all four. Still I very da suka.
Daniel looking into my camera. I was at the first row.
Daniel looking into my camera again. Seriously, I think he never looked into my camera before lor.
Kit, Vick, Daniel, Des
Candid picture of us with Belinda. A proper picture is in Ju-Yen's camera.
Grandma with Belinda Chee. I used to think she is very cocky. Its either she is a good actress or I am very wrong. She is pretty, friendly, funny and Ostrova is IN LOVE!!! She is signing on a postcard by the way.
Ostrova dancing the Come Come dance probably choreographed by Kish himself. We shouted Ostro's name when Kish was looking for someone to play with. lol. Don't kill us. Chun ran after him. It was funny.While waiting for the show to begin, we stood there and played some games. Cuddly's bf recorded for us. Will post up when I got hold of it. Anyway, that picture is Ostrova playing with the Hotlink guy. Kish or something. I am not so sure. I have few more pictures with Ju-Yen. I took one with Belinda and one with the Chio Bee Bee Jie Mei. The 8TV people. The friendly looking one.
Belinda Chee sitting with style.
We then proceeded to the stage area to get the first row and people started standing behind us. It was then when I took pictures of Belinda sitting there so cool-ly. How come their Quickie girls are so pretty? No wonder Ostro can go crush hopping here and there having crush on Marion then Belinda. They are very very pretty. Belinda is pretty. Seriously. Very classy also. And for me to think she is cocky. I don't know. I don't know why I used to think she is cocky. But I guess that one meet changed my perception towards her.

At about 5, they kick started the show. First up was Sandra's bf with this guy. I tak kenal.
Sandra's bf on the stage. Belinda and Kish had to dance too.
Oh and Ostro did say that Farah was at Komtar. Then he called her to come over. She did come over but she just stood at the backstage. I took a picture of her. She is slimmer now.
This hor. I not sure who are they. I think they are Couples. Their song? Ok la. I never heard any of their songs before.
Next up. ENTAU KIT!!! He sang few songs. First is the ever famous the I not someone one. And then he sang the Yao Ji De Wo. I LOVE IT. He did not mention why another Buddy is not there.
Vick came out next. He sang a Malay song, Hui Lai and Where is the love? Nice song
I took two pictures only because its hard to take pictures with his eyes open. Lol. I am kidding. I was tired.
Desiree!! She is so much prettier in person. She wears Tinkerbell. She sang Hurt by Christina, Christmas is not Christmas and finally, Wo Yao Kuai Le. I enjoy singing along with her. She is very very friendly. I suka dia.
Finally. Daniel!!!! I suka dia paling paling banyak. Lol. He is very very very photogenic. And he always has a lot of facial expression that makes all our collection of his pictures very special because he is not like those who got the microphone took over his face. I think his pictures is like the biggest satisfaction although I may love many many other singers.
Daniel!!!! I love Daniel. He sang Everytime, Duo Bu Guo and Mimpi. Suka dia la. He might be leaving for Taiwan. Hope he remembers us. But then again, he don't even know my name. How sad?
Don't you think this picture is very errrr.. Romantic? Pink, with mist and Daniel. PERFECT.
OAG sang too. They sang the Gol dan Gincu song. I suka. I spent 7 hours in Gurney. I felt guilty but I had fun. So... Tomorrow gambateh!!
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