Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Is this a good end? Will there be a good beginning?
1. I am beginning to love my classes and my coursemates more now. I don't know but I guess I finally feel that I belong I guess. =P
2. I still loves my high school friends cause each time I laugh when I'm with them, it's a sincere one and I think that is very important.
The rest I think I did an okay job in wrapping them up in my previous post.
I think I better go on with my resolution. I will make realistic ones cause I never used to fulfil my resolution. Not even once as far as I can remember.
So let's make 2009 a great one. Yes? No? Time will tell.
Well, I hope that
1. I can control my grumpiness and anger. I guess it's time to grow up and love everyone around me more. Although I regret everytime I am grumpy, it's still not right to do that.
2. I can stand up to myself for once. If someone cheated me, I should be able to stand up to myself and claim my own rights.
3. I will grow more in Jesus and be more complete spiritually. He has answered many of my questions since I was a small child. I know He is with me at all times but sometimes I ought to forget to thank Him (especially during meals).
4. I can read the Bible. I have not officially read the bible in a whole and I hope I can do it in 2009! I think I should set a time in a day for Bible reading or something.
5. I can social more. I know I have the 'talkative' sign stamped on my forehead since young but ever since I enter USM, I guess things changed. Sometimes I chose not to talk as I am afraid I will say something silly (which I always do) and I guess I have began to be anti-social.
6. I can continue my Operasi Budget Bawah RM5 as that was the time I lost most weight and save most money. One stone kill two birds. =)
7. I will be healthy and has less tummy uncomfort. It's getting annoying that I feel it all the time now.
8. I can be more open and less sensitive. I think this is stamped on my forehead alongside my 'talkative' symbol. I have been overly sensitive since I was born or something and most of my high school friends have at least once commented on it. Well, I get more upset after listening to it. =P Of course I will be sensitive when I am talking about other people. That is tactful darling.
9. I can study harder and hopefully get a better result cause competition is so sengit nowadays. Either you are with them, or away from them and I think it's important to be alongside to those who are high up cause I don't want to be jobless. The ambition to be 'siu lai lai' is more impossible than to score good result. That's how sucky my love life is. =P
Let's just make 9 resolution to receive the arrival of 2009.
Cheers friends. Life can be better. =) *I AM CORNY LIKE THAT!*
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Picture day- Christmas eve

And one picture of PKA christmas celebration. I got many in facebook. =) I love the candles and thank you to Sandra for the picture of me with the beautiful candle!!!
Merry Christmas again everyone.
Monday, December 29, 2008
I am going back to USM tonight
I have done cleaning up my room and I MIGHT post up pictures of it. My room is neater now la although we have an extra cupboard. Let's pray it'll stay like this for a LONG LONG time. I prefer my cupboard now although it's way too small for someone to keep their clothes in there cause at least now I am responsible of my own area only and I don't have to dump all my clothes in there. I will arrange my clothes according to their categories like pants, at home clothes and go out clothes. Ok, too much information. =P
So....I have one assignment to tackle when I am back in uni cause these 5 days have been my play games non-stop days. I slept at 3am and wakes at 10am and sis's bf say I will get stroke for all those late nights. I kinda regret now cause I should sleep earlier and spend more time on my bed ma!!!!
To compensate for pictures-cannot-upload days in USM, I will put up another post with pictures that is schedule like tomorrow or something! YAY! Syok sendiri.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The downside of being the youngest and own less clothes!!! Anyway, at least this coming CNY we can at least have some hope that we won't have to clean our house till 12 midnight on the day before CNY. It feels weird not having to do that though. =P
I grew up doing that okay???? And every year, the house also damn messy. We are good at buying and messing up I guess. =) No pictures of the house or I'll get killed for bringing down the family's name or whatever shit like that. XD
Ok, sis's bf is complaining that he cannot find a place to lie down on our bed. So ridiculous. How can you find a place to lie down when we are clearing our room??? Bye.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Hostel picture post
Nah...more picture of our corridor. My room is just like the ones opposite. Buka pintu is our room already.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Never say anything you are not sure of
Eyes cannot open already. But luckily tomorrow only my mum will send me back to attend SHE. Benci SHE la. Salah timing betui. Anyway, since I have not wished anyone,
We were at Gurney last night and we stood SOOOOO far from the crowd cause we are afraid of the snow spray. Warga emas like us no longer enjoy getting sprayed at or spend stupid amount of money (any amount of money on snow spray is stupid) to spray other people. I rather use that money to buy clothes or donate to people. Crap, use it on expensive sushi also better than spray it on people you don't know. I MEAN WHY SPEND ON PEOPLE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW?
I have grown up. =)) I have pictures but will only update tomorrow morning cause I is very tired.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I am all ready for Christmas!!!
I agreed even before I checked my purse. I think I have enough money. HAHA. I am all hyped up for Christmas!!!!!!
Finally for once we are not going to get packed like sardins and be with the rest of the youngsters in Gurney. I am old enough to know that I no longer fit in there I guess.
Ok, shall go get ready and wait for them. No picture post tonight afterall. I will try to post as soon as possible la. I know my blog is already start to be boring with all words.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Another day of a boring life
Now I can start doing research on it especially on lazy hot afternoon as it gives me motivation to walk to the library to enjoy the air-cond while studying. Apparently our seniors are not enjoying their semester very much and it is bothering me cause this time next year, I'll be the one complaining about it. And despite how I love to complain, I am not looking forward.
Let's just pray that I'll earn lots of money after I graduate to compensate for the killer papers and assignments okay? XD Most of my classmates are not attending their first SHE class and I don't know if I want to either. (Note: SHE is Hubungan Etnik, bukan the singer thankyouverymuch) I mean it's on Friday 5p.m to 7 p.m. which is really salah since I don't have any classes on Friday. Having my HPW tomorrow is already salah enough since I don't have any classes except for that tomorrow. But I am attending that la. I'll go back at 7.
Anyway, I promise a picture post when I get back home okay? I will have the whole xmas eve night to write it so I think it'll be okay. XD The connection here is terrible la. I can't even have a peaceful chat without getting dc-ed.
A uni student
BTW, it's really hot here. If I were a boy, I would wear my white ahpek singlet with shorts and a straw fan in hand outside on my corridor.
Uni student, macam-macamlah
Now that my minor English has a book, I am whining about having to fork out RM 44 to buy them. I got it anyway and I have to get another Oxford Thesaurus and Spanish dictionary next week. I have no more money so I cannot get them today. Anyway, after much running and lots of walking in uni, I have roughly finalized my time table and let's pray I get 9 to 11 am lab hours okay?
Everything seems new, relevant, interesting and exciting at the same time but I would have to spend my Xmas this year watching television at home. I am not complaining after all the running for the past 3 days. Yes, I have been busy like a bee ever since Sunday.
I have yet to adapt to the hot weather and I hope I don't have to cause no one likes hot days anyway. I have to check my mails, go pom pom and wash my clothes and class is at 5p.m. Should I nap? It's 2.20 already. I better not. I can sleep early tonight. =P No morning classes tomorrow anyway. Tomorrow I have only one class which is my 5 to 7 pm class. I know, so salah right? If not I'll be home tonight already!!!So, I'll be going home tomorrow night. And I'll blog about KL, about tang yuan, about my xmas celebration here in USM and hopefully my xmas in my first church for the first time. =)
Monday, December 22, 2008
I need to go shopping, AGAIN
So blank. I was like staring at him for all the time he speaks not because he is entau but cause he speaks so fast and when everyone goes "oh..." meaning they know what he is saying, I am still "huh?" Hmmm...seems like some kid needs to study more huh? But it'll be fun to take a foreign language la. I never took foreign language before. And Spanish sounds cool.
Besides that, I already got two assignment today and I've already gone running to the library to borrow books!!! Merry Christmas darlings. Yes, assignment starts pouring in already!!!!! Whether you like it or not, work starts and all these little lazy germs should put to rest for the time being already.
Weather in Penang or more specifically FAJAR HARAPAN USM BILIK 312 BLOK PEREMPUAN IS SUPER HOT!!!!!! I can sweat a bucket even in my own room and it's just so hot for the whole day. I sense someone is getting sick with all those cold air-cond and hot weather. It's not cool to be hot for this second and then cold the other. Really inviting trouble and sickness one.
People are fixing out awning or whatever you call them and do you think I should wash my clothes and
And yes, this is a boring life of a uni student. =P Ah Ma in hospital now so pray for Ah Ma okay? She is just weak cause she started a "mogok makan" stunt the other day.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
I am such a pain in the buttocks
I am going back
Shit la. So early go back USM have to eat my own lunch and dinner. ALONE cause Yi Lin won't be back till 2p.m T.T
Plan changed cause I showed muka sedih. XD So I got back to USM at about 2.30p.m after a happy lunch at Subway. I have cleaned the room, mopped the floor and everything else and now I am left here to die of dehydration or something. SO HOT!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sipek suay arrrr
Mana tau, I super suay. Tummy ache. That time of the month. So I decided not to go. There goes another day locking myself at home. I damn no life lor. T.T But the pain is unbearable la. How? I don't wanna go already la. I go sleep better. Bye bye.
Friday, December 19, 2008
I use cheapskate make-ups
I think all the prices of my make-up stuff add up will be less than one of her Bobbi Brown's eye shadow's price lor. T.T Nevermind. I shall work harder to buy better make-up stuff to pretify myself. PRETIFY!!! HAHAHA. So, you know what to give me for xmas, ny, cny, birthday, farewell, whatsoever la. XD Chanel lipstick satu babeh. Just kidding. I don't use lipstick. XD
I am frustrated
I don't mind really to cook her oats every day and to cook for myself but what I am frustrated about is her "mogok makan" stunt. And then she'll feel even worst. She'll feel her whole body ache probably cause she is on her bed in her room 24/7 without fan turned on. And then she say she wants to go to see the specialist although she has just seen the doctor few days earlier cause she feels her heart got problem. O.o I mean ok la, I wont cancel out the possibility that she is sick but perhaps all those discomforts will not happen IF she did not "mogok makan".
I really wish to go back to USM now. The family is too complicated for me.
I am not sure if I am in the Dean List
Seriously, I don't think I am that dean list material lor. My sis was like, "So easy to get one ar?" Well, that's cause I got it and I am famous for my laziness and I rarely get good results. So I can't really blame my sis.
Besides, I did not really study when I was supposed to which is really bad. But really, so what dean list. It's not like we are getting money pun. If I study, it's not to let myself down or to avoid having nervous breakdown in the examination hall.
ps: I just step on that line okay? If at anytime should I lose my balance, I'll fall right off the list so it's not all that cool. And I still hate BM thankyouverymuch. =)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My daily activities
What I do daily is just cooking breakfast for granny, make my own shakes, online, eat lunch and cook for granny, online, dinner, online, fold clothes, online, sleep.
T.T I think I have enough rest already kua. I really hate the feeling of going back to USM hostel but I guess it won't be THAT bad kua. I guess I very "hong sim" la. Every time I want to go back hostel I will think how much fun my sisters are having without me.
But then when I am around, they never do anything lor. Only when I have to go back, they'll go shopping la, bake bread la, make this la and that la. Saja tau. Benci only. I really should start packing some necessities to bring back. I need some stuff to survive through my first week ma. Maybe 3 days only. But I don't know if my class on Friday is still on. Never mind.
Although my time table for next sem is really nothing to be happy of, I am glad I managed to survive 1st sem. I must survive 6 sems and get that blardy Degree!! Cannot "pak pak hei sang" my 13 years of education okay? Eh mine already 18 years. I started kindy at 2. XD
Will post about DFC's 3rd Anniversary and KL trip once I got all the pictures. Don't ask me when. XD
Nah show you our 10 continuous pictures first. XD First few is taken properly only cause we either cannot tahan and laughed or someone is staring at us and we shy. XD
This one we laughed cause someone from another table was looking at us through my camera screen and was laughing. Adakah patut??? So we had to stop la. Paiseh k??
This is taken at KLCC mia park. We couldn't tahan and laughed too cause we were at the park okay? With so many people staring at 4 girls with colourful umbrella. Why we do things like this?? T.T
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
My new blog header
These pictures really speak about my blog la.
Well, first of all, it has my face right? Camwhore me.
Then Danell is the representative of me chasing artiste.
The pic with me and Diana is of me and my friends (for this matter, friend. This is the only acceptable picture. =( ).
And the one with the stove means makan lor.
The one with gold Christmas deco is of me doing weird stuff.
As for the middle one, that's how I look like when I am demotivated to blog but feel that I have to blog. XD
ps: Tell me if you like it. =P
This is just to show Sir Kok

Sunday, December 14, 2008
What I did or did not do in 2008?
Then I went KL with my friends and we had to come back a day earlier to prepare ourselves to register for USM cause we only checked whether we got our uni in the bus. Why are we so adventurous? XD Ah Win had to go UMS some more. XD
Anyway, I just got back from KL. I went KL twice already this year. And for both times, my pocket got hole. This time the hole is bigger. Bout that trip later. The point for this post is that I want to talk about what I did according to category like Wei Wei.
I just passed my first sem!! Yay! I got myself into Translation and Interpretation course in USM and spent 5-6 months trying to breathe in there. Aiya, everything seems a little wrong over there la. The hostel, the people, the course. But I managed to survive one sem and I am looking forward to another 5. I love my course mates though. I mean they are okay, some are friendly, some are a lil stranger to me cause I don't really talk in class. I know. (roll eyes)
Love Life
That does not exist. So I don't have to blog about it. At least Wei Wei got something to blog about on that okay? But a bit errr.. drama. HAHA.
It's still the same, Bentengs and Emmoes. But I have a new found old friend who is my lao qiang friend, Miss Teoh Wei Wei ( I wonder if she will ever get rid of the Miss title). I said new found old friend because getting to know her now is like getting to know a whole new person. It's just that I get warm easier with her since I've known her even before she is fully developed. Ok, she is still the same for that matter.
Anyway, she added many words into her vocab and I was shocked. I agree with Cheau Yi who said Wei Wei is a different person. She still have that whiny voice and sings terribly but she is different already. And I think I got a sort of friend in USM- Kok. Crap, I said sort of cause he sure hate us a lot cause we always kacau him. HAHA. I still hang out with Yi Lin all the time. I love that girl albeit always dibuli.
Sama saja. Always sick also. Bad tummy. =( And I still have that too-fat-issue. I have been attending that dieting course but I did not follow. Boo. So I did not lose as much weight as the nurse thought I would. Sorry nurse, when I go back I eat RM5 a day okay? But thanks to USM also la, I lost some weight. Please let me lose some more. T.T I lost weight cause I have to pay for my own food and I walk a lot to classes. I know. It's so good to be kiam siap. I eat less to save money. XD
It was very well-controlled until study break, exam week and KL trip. I think all my Nuffnang earnings gone in KL woi. =( I need a job next sem break. Please visit my blog cause I need money badly, boo. But I am better than Wei Wei wtf. Stop shopping in GAMA la. XD
I also contributed to the country's economy okay? All come and say thank you to me. T.T I have to mourn over the money spent. I am famous for being kiam siap with myself okay? I won't feel that bad spending for family or friends (have to cancel out cause shameless people like Wei Wei will make me belanja her. XD).
Next sem break must work already. To feed my hungry wallet. And no more karipap or snack. I have to buy packet biscuits so that I won't spend so much eating unhealthy stuff that only makes me fat. Shit. Biscuits better than karipap.
Spiritual life
I got to know Jesus this year and I am slowly growing with Him and in Him. =) I'm glad.
I'm back
I NEED A BREAK WOI!!!!!! Don't pester me to get it done already. I can do it at my own pace. I don't need people to rush me to get that time table done. Don't ask me anything about it anymore.
I hear that word time table nia I want to meletup d.
*this is supposed to be a happy post ok? I hate USM.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Shine Jesus Shine
I am already a button mushroom (big one) cause I've been rotting real well for the past week but these songs keep me sane.
It's like these songs fill my emptiness. It's always like this. I don't know if it's the same with everyone but I hate laughing a lot because I'll feel very empty and down once I stopped laughing. I will feel much worst after that. Or like I'm very occupied for the past few days and suddenly, nothing to do. I will feel very empty and go into the depression mode.
I am glad I have these songs. Really lift me up.
What a Bloggiful World

Friday, December 05, 2008
I would appreciate it
Is it so hard? Is it so hard to be appreciative of what people do for you instead of being so fussy and annoy the hell outta everyone.
Sometimes it just discourage people from doing good.
I've decided to close a deaf ear to everything that happens here. I'm tired.
My holiday plan recap
Anyway, I'll have to update my holiday plan. =)
24-30 Church VBS
1-6 Rot at home again. Will try to get some things done like sorting out my notes
7-13 KL babeh!!! with people I love most apart from my family
Had my itinerary all done. I did it again. Complete with LRT maps, hotel map, where to go and on which day and which LRT/Monorail/KTM whatever shit to take.
14th What a Bloggiful World blogger meet. I will write on that....later... =)
15-21 Back to reality. Register courses and pack bag to go back to USM. T.T
So I somewhat have my days filled up before I move back to USM and stay with those lizards. And I need to get my diet plan or my operasi back up because I think I am gaining weight. I shall look for work to go for my next holiday. Shit man, sitting at home makes me fat.
Anyway, yes, I am going to KL!!!! I am excited. Hop off to pack her bag.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
NO!! You cannot download that!!!

Adakah patut they find EmoShan to download??? Free some more. You know what/who is Emoshan???
I hope no one wants to download Chicken Win. XD
My latest favourite song
Weak and wounded sinner
Lost and left to die
O, raise your head, for love is passing by
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus
Come to Jesus and live!
Now your burden's lifted
And carried far away
And precious blood has washed away the stain, so
Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus
Sing to Jesus and live!
And like a newborn baby
Don't be afraid to crawl
And remember when you walk
Sometimes we
Fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus
Fall on Jesus and live!
Sometimes the way is lonely
And steep and filled with pain
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain, then
Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus
Cry to Jesus and live!
O, and when the love spills over
And music fills the night
And when you can't contain your joy inside, then
Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus
Dance for Jesus and live!
And with your final heartbeat
Kiss the world goodbye
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side, and
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus
Fly to Jesus and live!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
If I have to pick one favourite picture of me and my friends
Below are the moments that I will forever remember.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008
I give up
I really give up. I don't know who or how to please anymore.
I'm tired.
ps: I think I'm being emo cause I've been at home the whole day and feeling a little sick.
pps: I think I am very a grumpy person today.
I think I miss them already.
It was 5 days of chasing kids, taking care of them, bringing them to toilet (I think this is my major role), dancing with them, playing and singing with these cuties. I do admit that I like some kids better than the other cause they are more easy to handle.

I think I am quite notorious especially among my family members for having the lowest patience level and I CANNOT tolerate kids who are whiny or do not listen to me. I would have lost patience and avoid them and even detest them but surprisingly it did not happen this time. I do favour one kid over another but overall I am okay with them. I would run away from kids who are crying but I actually pacify them this time. That BIG MAN up there is working hard huh?

Monday, December 01, 2008
Pink is not exactly my favourite color.
Don't ask why my cupboard so messy. My sis needs to hang her clothes so all my clothes are folded. And I got many in house t-shirt, can only be worn at home.