As for the postings of my trip, I guess that will have to wait. I will have to jot down what I did before I can actually blog about it and I think that will take some time. Unless of course I just post those pictures and errr...we play some mind guessing game where I don't have to say anything. That will be easier. But no, I will blog about it. And 10 years or 20 years or 30 years from now, I will read back and laugh at my very very first, virgin trip outside of Malaysia by AIR and not any other means of transport. It will be so much fun. =) So yes, I am more pumped to post now. But still, I need to do some draft or I will rant non-stop with no aim and lots of craps.
Oh. And our house. =) Heee.. And oh ya, I managed to go to see Boy.frenz yesterday at Gurney. A little happy but I am not that into them. No doubt though, Desmond and Lance very cute. Especially Lance. Jackson needs more personality though. Anyway, I think the Redbox manager can be one of their members. Cause he is so damn handsome!!!! I will have to blog that in another post because I want to link them under my hobbies. =)
Picture time.......
remember to make it a few or more post than only one. u know la, u write to write non stop for onr post, i read until eyes pain.
oh, forgot.... welcome back to pg in one piece!!!
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