That very day, I woke up at 7a.m instead of 7.30 a.m because my mum threatened me the night before that if I cannot wake up, she will leave the house without me. She always does that when she knows I really want to go somewhere. Monster. Mamee Monsters.
The crowd at 11 something. So little.

We reached Queensbay at 10.15 a.m. When we reached, not much people was there yet. We did not see Mr Yeoh who said he wanted to be there at 9a.m. He came shortly after that. He was sick and had to go back to take medicine. Luckily he did not come at 9.00a.m. Not much people around also. The mall was not open yet. It opens at 10.30a.m. As we saw several people got in and waited at the stage area already, we tried to sneak in but to no avail. We headed back to the main door and waited until 10.30a.m. Got in and asked Ying, Mr. Yeoh and his friend to wait at the stage area.
Then Yi Lin and I walked around, doing some shopping. We bought the PLAY album at RM38.20 each. A very interesting price. With a free poster. It was the first time I actually shouted in the mall for someone. I called out for Pei Ying from level 3 to ask Mr. Yeoh Teong Seng to pick up his phone. =.=" After asking them which member in S.H.E they want as their front cover, we paid and went down to pass the albums to them. Then Yi Lin said she want to develop some pictures. So we brought her camera to Harvey Norman to develop her pictures. The self-service thing is kind of fun. One picture at RM0.35 only. So cheap. The promotion is until next week the 19th. After developing the pictures, we went down to ground floor to buy MCD for Ying, Mr Yeoh and his friend.
Then we went up, pass the food to them and asked them to sit at the stage area to eat. Then we went up to 2nd floor to take pictures of that trio. Then we went down to ground floor again to eat. After we bought our food, Ju-Yen called and she joined us with her friends. As we finished eating already, we went up to find that trio. After talking to Ying, we went up one level above to look for place to stand. Then I went to toilet. When I was in toilet, Ying asked us to buy EPOP. However, we couldn't find the edition she wanted. So we went up again and decided to stay up there and not move anymore.

It was about 12.15p.m that time. I saw Lay Leng walking down there and decided to give her a ring. Then she came to join us. Then Yuh Jen and David come and joined us too. Shortly after that, Shan came too. However, she went Dragon-I after meeting up with me because I couldn't even look at her face because that idiot beside me was trying to squeeze in although she is late and hurting me in the process. David left for skating and Jen was left with us. That girl beside me keep pushing me and I was pretty angry. She was late and we stood there first. Out of nowhere, she squeezed in and pushed us. Benci betul. There were many false alarm. People keep screaming although S.H.E were not there yet.

Madness. At 2.30p.m I think. Luckily Yi Lin and I did not go down. We wanted to go down when we see the crowd at 1p.m

Middle. As the clock continued to tick. At 2p.m, Yi Lin actually said, if it gets until outside of the mall, then kira banyak. o.O
Here are some clear pictures I managed to get up to now. Will wait for Teong Seng, Ju-Yen, and Hooi Chen and the gang's picture.

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