Has any of you heard people calling their other halves 'bubu'? One of my teddy's name is Bubu too. I even have Bubu Jr. cause I can't think of any names. I personally encountered it a few times and its funny how my Bubu's name is being used for couples. I guess Bubu sound as though we really really love something. I call my mum Ah Bu as in the hokkien version of mother. I do call her Mummy on and off. Anyway, does 'bubu' really stands for someone we love? Perhaps theirs are 'Booboo' la. You know? The song by Usher, 'My Boo'? Hmmm, that sounds more logical. Thanks to their songs, my Bubu gets to tumpang their fame. Haha. Anyway, its really funny thinking that my comot free teddy has the same nama manja with the couples out there.
Besides that, I also tell people that my nickname is Ahbu. You can see that in my blog URL right? I think its because I call my mum ahbu and my close friends started calling me ahbu too. Furthermore, when I found out that my favourite Fahrenheit member, Arron Yan Ya Lun's nickname is Ah Bu also, I refused to change mine. =P He is Arronbubest. I am Pingpingsuperduperbubest. Okay. I hiperbola a bit can?

What names do you give something you love? Be it husband, wife, things, pets, kids. Anything. 5xMom once mentioned *here* that her husband call her Ah Bee. Should be short form of Baby or something like that. That is what I call nama manja. Only people who are very close to you call you that. You don't get any stranger calling you that. Unless of course that's your name la.
And since I am on this topic, I shall list down a few names I heard of people calling their other halves. I shall skip all the honey,darling part cause well, I am sure you know those.
- Ney (short form for Honey)
- Ling (short form for Darling)
- Dardar (short form for Darling)
- Bee or Bi (Baby)
- Popo (short for Lou Po-cuter too.)
- Lou Po Chai (wife in Canto)
- Lou Kong Chai (hubby in Canto)
- Bubu or Booboo
- Deedee (Cuter version of Darling)
- Bao Bei (precious in Mandarin)
- Gong Zhu or Princess (melebih a bit =P )
- Zhu zhu or piggy or pig pig (some people just love to be pig -.-)
- Sayang (malay version)
- Bobo (sounds like dog's name. But it is something like Popo)
- Daddy (For those who got married and have kids already. Don't go call your boyfriend Daddy hah?)
- Mummy (For those who got married and have kids already. Don't go call your girlfriend Mummy hah?)
- Lau Eh (lol, Hokkien lang calls their husband like that.)

Google Bubu up. Not bad. Bubu also got many sites. Heee.
That's all I can think of right now. See?? Bibibubu is not that hard afterall. I did mention bibi in the very 1st er paragraph of my post right? Got a few lines okay?? So Shan, your turn to inspire me. Bed time now. Few more hours to see S.H.E. 3 of them came. Good good. S.H.E. ROAR!!!!!! =) i.love.s.h.e.e.e.e. Now you know who I love? =P
swt to the max...haha...
apa out of topic at least part of it is correct mah...
out of topic also ur pasal la...
give dis super duper topic konon wanna inspire ppl...
and u noe i am definitely not good in crapping...
I personally think that my post is not bad mar. =P U are just plain jealous....
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