3. I am afraid to talk in front of many many ppl. Though u alwiz see me talking non-stop,laughing and has lots of things to say,but this thing dun happen when I am all alone in front of many many ppl,talking bout serious stuff.. Wait, is it my fear for crowds or is it becuz i just can't talk serious stuff? lol..

4. I do quiet down. This happens when I am either moody or dun feel like talking. This rarely happens in public becuz I am usually chirpy when I see my friends. It happens more at home lar. I am very notty at home and alwiz moody. At this time, my sis gets to call me anti-sosial..lol..
and lastly,

Lucky number 5
I can cook! Seriously.. although I cant cook as well as my grandma and sis and mum, i do cook. I enjoy baking with my second sis, I enjoy cooking dinner and screw everything up but i dislike washing. Cooking is the only chore i like but i rarely have the chance to do it.
ps: ah wei,besides this 5,i also missed the old times we had bcuz ever since u left,no one let me copy their Kajian Tempatan exam answer anymore. =)
that's all for now... =) i am not a secretive person,so it took me quite a while to think of wat ppl dunno bout me..so if u know bout these 5 already,then dun bocor my rahsia ok?just act like u dun know and do the oh-my-gawd-is-this-true punya expression ok? =)
omg is this true??????????? =o
ahaha.. yea.. ever since i left, no one teman me get scolded as prefects d.. haha.. btw, i still remember u got a tupperware printed with "i love jesus?'( or something got to do with christianity) on the cover. hehe.
i did?lol..i cant remember it myself..i only eating lime ice-cream with salt..that is if u still around lar..if not u wont noe lor...lol... =)
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