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Monday, May 04, 2009

My Holiday Plans

As I'm on a holiday and currently jobless *please intro job to me*, I decided to come up with a holiday plan list. HA-HA. Yes, watching television, onlining, eating and sleeping is a four item programme and thus making it a list. =P

Basically when I don't have a date with my friends or family, I would,
1. Watch television
2. Online
3. Nap (taking siesta)
4. Eat
5. Clean up the house (as in mop and sweep)

Crap!!! The list can't even make it to the number 6 item. Yes, that's how wu-liao (boring) I am. So, be prepared to see a ballooned up version of Ping Ping (not that you have not seen before) next sem. =)) thankyouverymuch.

** go on and continue playing her games.

I cannot convince myself enough to label this as happening, if you can tell why.

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