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Saturday, January 01, 2011

Entered 2011

with Daniel right beside me. We went for EPCC Watchnight service which was the first New Year's eve service I've ever been because when I was younger, I would be out in the crowd like the rest, celebrating it and then I grew older and I just stay at home, do nothing and sleep early. This year, I decided to receive the new year in the house of our Lord.

Had awesome time, laughed, played, ate, sang worship to Him, gave my promise to God and prayed to Him. It was a great time. I decided that this year, I want to start my new year being in His presence and welcome the new year with Him with me knowing that He will be close to me throughout the year.

I looked through my resolution in 2010 and I can proudly say, I did okay. =) 6 out of 10 is not bad right? This year, I shall not make any more resolution. (also cause I can't think of any) But I believe God has His plans for me and He will reveal it one by one. So I'll just wait upon the Lord.

I learnt something yesterday. That I should not focus on the circumstances, or the people in the world when something doesn't go my way or when I have doubts. Instead, focus on God, on our Lord Jesus because He knows best. Our human eyes may not see and our human brains may not comprehend but knowing that He is in charge will help us to surrender all to Him and know that He will make something good out of nothing.

Have an awesome New Year and 2011 will be another exciting year. =)

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