Tuesday, March 31, 2009
First fox, then flying cockroach!!
The fox was featured in Berita Kampus *our own uni's newspaper* and that fox was seen around Fajar Harapan *my hostel* a few times already. AND OF ALL PLACES, IT GOT INTO MY ROOM. GRRRRR...
So I've been keeping my lights on when I sleep. Bo bian, we scared. =(
No mood to blog. Am thinking of changing and go find my lecturer. =P
Sunday, March 29, 2009
It's done and over with
I'm having a writing block or something and I cannot think of anything to type. So yes, I am not going to blog anything meaningful so you can just click (x) on your top right hand corner. After all, you've already contributed to my page visits. =)
I've got 1 Spanish Oral test, 1 Computer test, 2 presentations coming up the entire week ahead. And then I'll get the rest I needed *though I rest like all the time*, and study for exam. Yes, another sem is ending. Can't believe it. I am about to be a senior, a 2nd year student.
AND MY BIRTHDAY IS AROUND THE CORNER. I AM FINALLY TURNING 21. How scary is that?? I mean when we were 15, we wished we were 16. Ok maybe not for me cause I have bad teenage life and I shudders at the thought of having bad adulthood as well. So all I wished for was for the time to stop where it was. But of course I did wish for school to be abolished or something.
CRAP!!!!!! My friend told me that my room got fox this morning. WHAT??!!! Ok, I am room alone and I am totally freaked out now. =(
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Rain after the sunshine
It's still painful even after having this pain for bout an hour plus. =( It started in the morning then got better. But then after I got back from seeing my lecturer, it got worst and now I don't even feel like eating dinner.
Farewell Night is tomorrow!!!!
I love this tradition in PKA where they allow the first years to plan for this annual Farewell Night to celebrate the graduation of their seniors who are graduating. Not only will this strengthens the relationship among the first years, it also helps first years to get to know their seniors more as they'll be seeking help and stuff from the seniors.
I am grateful and blessed to have found these wackos but very kind-hearted people in USM!!! =)) So tomorrow is the day.
Dress -checked
Shoes -checked
Make ups- checked
Stockings -checked
Accesories (bangles, necklace, earrings) -checked, checked, checked.
Skin condition- meh.
I am very excited cause this is the first time I am doing my own make-up to a graduation night after I have quite mastered it in these two years. Ok la, not mastered la. But at least I can put on a decent make-up I hope. Last time my eldest sister used to put for me. And I was wearing specs. Horrors.
And this is also the first time I am wearing a dress since I used to wear baju and skirt cause I was super fat last time. Ok la, now still fat but now I can fit into a decent dress. =) I is happy.
Will post up lotsa photos!!! =))
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I finally know why superman wears his underwear outside!!!
Neh, it's on the website. Just 3 words!!!!
“Because I lost!”
~ Superman explaining how he played a game of tennis with Clark Kent that stipulated the loser must wear their underwear on the outside of their pants.
So that's the reason why Superman keeps showing people his bragas!!! It's not a trend afterall and he is not a failed trendsetter afterall.
And Captian Obvious is the best fortune teller in the world woi!!! Damn cun his predictions.
“People all over the world will have to purchase a new calendar within the next twelve months”
~ Captain Obvious on the future
AND SUPER MARIO IS AN ADDICT!!!!!! Oh and his real name is Mary~Oh Antonio von Mario Bros
Mario's addiction problem
"One night, Mario and I went to a bar." says Princess Peach on an exclusive interview about Mario's addiction to mushrooms. "It was around 2:00 AM - Mario asked for a drink, but there was something strange about the bartender. He had a giant spiked-shell, horns and he spit fire. Anyway, he offered Mario a purple mushroom. 'Try it, it'll make ye feel like flying.' he said. After that night, Mario was never the same."
Had such a good time laughing over all these lame stuff I found here. Go see go see. Wei Wei intro one!!! Damn kau good.
ps: Go see teletubbies!! Look at their picture before they do their plastic surgery!!!!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
/bangs head on the wall
I got spanish test tomorrow, then SHE assignment hand in by this week, farewell night this friday, oral spanish test next Wednesday *the main reason my wall got lubang now*, and finally CMM test next Thursday.
Then exam starts two weeks after this week. /runs around the room and knock head on wall. Sorry for all the happy tree friends acts. I stress okay? I'll be fine. Just need to cool down.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
My bed is wet
I guess the rain in the afternoon was so heavy, the water came into my room from my window and wet my bed. I was about to change my bedsheet when I touched my blanket and realized it's a little wet. Then I touched my bed and /boohoo, it's wet too.
My bed is like super duper near, if not 1/8 under, the window because of the weird design of the room. =s Luckily I have already planned to change my bedsheet and have one ready here in my hostel already.
=( I hates wet bed.
ps: Back in USM. Busy week ahead. =)) I'm looking forward though.
Peranakan Mansion: I thought I was Nyonya.
Then there stood Peranakan Mansion majestically. All green and fresh. I thought the tour for the day is over but nope, they brought us around the place.

Saturday, March 21, 2009
Keep away the confetti
Will have to finish my S.H.E project and discuss with team mates on how to present our ideas to her. Hopefully can get the presentation done by this Thursday cause I'll have a busy week the next week. Cause... I'll have my LHP classes back again. Me is sadz.
Oh and I visited Peranakan Mansion. I want to blog about it so badly but I am just too lazy. I'll try to put it up tomorrow to mark the
**Correction. It's the 800th post!!!!
Pops the champagne.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Laziness got the best of me
I don't have like addiction or something to shoes. thankyouverymuch. I do for money if you are wondering. =)) Anyways, the consequence of that distractions is that I just read whatever I can get into my head and go for the test. Luckily the test is not extremely hard although there are many parts that well, I couldn't get into my head when I was studying for it the day before. That's the bad news
But the good news is that it's over. And I am finally seeing some lights *I was buried under assignments before this ma*. So now I see lights la. Thank God I survived this sem. Many more to come.
ps: Play first, worry later. *throws confetti*
Thursday, March 19, 2009
After a gruelling 6 and a half hours
I've S.H.E to do but it's okay. I can take my own sweet time since it's not that tiring with words, words and more words. Seriously, report is the last thing I would like to do right now. I'm so exhausted, mentally and psychically, doing all these reports and research and comparison.
So I'm going home tomorrow to see that poor girl if she is doing well and jumping around *she does, according to mr lim*. =)) The burden is finally off my shoulder.
No picture cause internet connection here is as cranky as me.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I iz not doing very well
Seems like it is not happening. So I'll skip tomorrow's CG to get my work done. =))
Initially I can finish it on time but somehow I found out that the other assignment is not as easy as I thought it is. So I will have to spend more time doing it and so, I have to finish up this assignment latest tomorrow. Hopefully I can start with the other one tomorrow night as I need to hand in on Friday.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My Mum is alright now
Thanks to all who prayed for her and also who gave me support and encouragements. It meant a lot for her and my family. =)
That poor girl is now resting in the hospital and will be discharged tomorrow.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
They say you'll know

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My sister is being bullied =(
But this time they are too much la. So mean la they all.
Adakah patut they call her all sorts of names? First perli her and say she's big, then say she's small (so indecisive). Then say she is kaya (which is good if they don't start asking her to belanja) and then tease her heights by calling her Long when OBVIOUSLY EVERYONE KNOWS SHE IS SHORT! Then they call her Si Pao Ubi la. HUAN CHU PAO. ADAKAH PATUT??? Say she stupid la is it?
But I think the last one definitely made her totally go crazy la. They actually call her BABI PAO!!!! Do you know how insulting and hurtful it is?? Call her babi wor. They know she is afraid of being fat right? They totally ignored her feelings and hurled insults after insults at her. Placing cheap price tags on her all calling her names. It's very mean ok? Serious, I don't lie ok? I've got evidence.
Wait, I find.
It's just somewhere in my desktop.
The power of technology. I got them captured.
Ahhhh... Found it.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I need my alone time again
I am the type of person though last minute, would never want to end up having to stay up whole night doing assignments and homework. I am glad till now, it has not happened yet but I am not sure if it'll continue that way since I have a lot of homework piling up now.
I am looking forward for my bathing time later. To wash my thoughts and stress away under cold water and do some thinking before coming back to continue other assignments. At the mean time, I have to finish this penulisan ilmiah before I can bathe in peace. =))
Everything is fine and will be fine. =)
Nope, did not get my quiet time cause when I went into the toilet to bathe, this very huge lizard was there, LICKING THE LIPS. Ok la, like licking the lips for the longest time ever. It's like human licking their lips over and over and over again. T_T
I was terrified enough when I saw it's size and it just HAVE TO LICK ITS' FREAKING LIPS!!!!!! T_T It was the second lizard I saw which was heading to my toilet when I decided that I should run out of the toilet. And so I did, knocking the sanitary pad bin on the way.
I got into another favourite toilet of mine and took my bath. Thank God no lizard in sight. But I was terrified enough already. I am sleepy now but I need to do my assignments. So I have to sacrifice my beauty sleep.
ps: I forgive the lizard. He/She probably missed the sentence where I said I am going to have my much needed quiet time alone in the bathroom despite me stating it in every sentence.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Why I love home?
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Malaysian Dream Girl is back!!!

I love her lips and her intense eyes!!!! I LOVE HER NEW HAIR!!!!!

She is just so cute. I like her new hairstyle too!!!But also to the cute type one. I do hope she can pull it off and be something more than just cute.
Another picture in the MDG blog of her is not very flattering though. This looks good but another one. Not very good. =)) Her nose is pretty and she got pretty features here.
I can't see her face properly though. But probably cause I can't see her well, I don't quite like her here. =)) We'll see. This is just the beginning!!!
ps: I am looking forward to 'chase' this season with my second sis!! =P Our favourite hang out time.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Diet? Never happens in my family
Every week when I am back, mummy will cook lots of very good food like bak kut teh, chicken rice, chicken/pork porridge *which is my fav* and this week we are having??? Mini steamboat and fried beehoon!!!! Oh, and every week we will get to drink tong sui or at least barley. I love!!!! =)) I love me mummy.
For my mum to cook, it's actually quite a big deal cause my mum don't usually cook when we were young since she was always busy working to feed us. So my sis will take over the job as the cook. I am so happy I get to eat mummy's cooking now cause I don't know, it just feels good and I don't have to go out and buy. =P

Thursday, March 05, 2009
I need to focus laaa
How to die? T_T Basically I need to focus and get three done by this week. At least half of the huge assignment and finish the two smaller ones. Then I have to focus on my computer one cause it's on the 16th!!!!!
Then I have to arrange to go Peranakan Mansion and then finish up my S.H.E assignment cause I have to hand in on the 23rd. I am stressed as of now.
T______T I just need to focus and everything will be fine. But focusing is the hard part.