Lol, the chicken was supposed to be doing the jealous expression. How come don't look jealous pun. They look happy, or okay, we were enjoying ourselves.
Some more have to dance and laugh like siao. Lol, shake her ostrich bum.
Sweat Lee, look at how hard the chicken laughed at you. Go attack him. =P
I guess people feel disturbed by the sight of his udder and decided to give it a pull. Oi, you suka suka pull, must kahwin the cow one leh. XD
Have to put this up, there goes my PSP. T.T
The King and Queen of the Jungle. Let's not talk about how salah their combination, look behind them.
Still there. -.- Kenny the Pooh, syok la you, like star like that, flash light everywhere.
That my friend, is Kenny the Pooh's bum. If he comes and marah, I'll just have to go anonymous. T.T
Timothy Tiah holding tightly on his tail, worrying that someone might pull his tail. You know la, people are fascinated at long poked out stuff like the udder. =.="
Finally, when everyone starts leaving, Kenny the Pooh starts dancing.
And he was very seriously dancing. Shaking his bum bum with tiny tail.
And also danced with a hot girl.
While Kenny the Pooh is dancing, another lion? came out and danced with them too. =P Nampak excited sangat la that guy.
To those who find their pictures here, suka tak? Tak suka also cannot marah me.
he is always funny and siao siao one. many pictures of others...where is your pic lahhh???? But was seriously fun huh????
saewei: it was in another posting. Earlier one. It was fun la. I had fun.
dragon: ya, he was really friendly and gila gila.
Niiice! I saw pic of you on someone's blog. You were a hunter!!! With a gun!!!
Hey miss hunter..
So bad lar u.. blurred out my pics.. uhuhuhuh... Kenny doesnt need anymore limelight just like u said.. so spare me some ler... >=P
justina: YEA!!!
jolyn: ok la ok la. Later if I got online I'll post up ur picture and link you okay??? =P got more pictures of u.
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