Saturday, June 28, 2008
My SO story.
Ok, before this, I am going to bore everyone with how I got into SO. It's some random hopping around blogs like bunny that got me into adding SO. Adding SO and chatting in it is totally two different thing okay? I had it for like more than half a year before I tried chatting.
I got in, got stuck halfway and stopped going back. What? Normal what, you go one place, you cannot fit in, you run away. That's what I did. One month ago, I decided to just walk in and randomly chat with anyone. It was then Lasker came and welcome me.
I got warmed up pretty quickly with the other shouters over there that I no longer find problem jumping into any chats. I can randomly do the :whee: pose if I got nothing to say without feeling bored.
If I have to say who got me more into chatting, it has to be Lasker. It was those I-don't-know-what-to-do-working-is-not-fun times that I found SO and well, I found something to do online. know what's fun??? Teasing Lasker. I have to say that is the funnest thing to do although I always kena tease back.
Bwahahhhaa, Lasker and his half-naked-i-was-swimming-and-trying-to-attract-mui-mui-zai-to-come-in-and-chat. Lol, that's long.
I talked to Elise once only when I was trying out the SO thingie and yes, she is really nice leh. Better than Lasker at least. Lasker always trying to make me don't get to eat seafood. Bad bad. I hope to talk to Elise more. La la~~ And SO comes into my life when the worst thing that could happen online happened, MSN DOWN. I tell you, make people super emo one. Luckily I got SO to chat and then I got to know more people and that marks another phase of my blogging life.
Still, thank you Lasker and Elise. I suck at photoshop, comics, drawing and stuff like that. I can only write. So, I write you a poem? XD This is gonna be fun.
It was by chance, I stumbled here,
And malang tak berbau, I met Lasker, XD
He thinks he can attract young girls to enter,
I don't want to lie so I am telling you, LASKER, YOU CANNOT LER.
Mummy say we must always say thank you,
So I ma write this post for Lasker and Elise, ten kiu lor.
My poem is horrible. =P
Friday, June 27, 2008
Out of touch with the outside world
Please pray that I'll be safe and sound.
=) Show some love la bloggers. =P
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Ah Ma, why you like that?
She asked me to study Hotel Management and become a receptionist. Who get a degree to become a receptionist la? And then she asked me to study Banking and Finance and I told her I do not have interest in that.
She keep pestering me and say working in bank is very good. Today, she saw an advertisement on television about Singapore Airlines.
No, she did not ask me to become an air stewardess (why ar?). She asked me to take up a course like that and become a CLERK!!!! Ah Ma!!! I don't want to become receptionist, a clerk or work in a bank la Ah Ma.
She might as well ask me to become an actress, model, air stewardess, singer and whatever else more glamor. T.T Ah Ma, I sudah accept taking linguistic. Don't make my heart shake shake (actually no la, won't make my heart move.)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
New template!!
YES!! THAT ONE IS PHOTOSHOP WOKAY??? I PHOTOSHOP TO PUT THE WORDS. T.T Why I so pathetic? Anyway, sempena meraikan hari yang berbahagia ini, saya telah menukar template blog saya kepada warna hijau, warna kesukaan saya sejak tahun 2005.
I sekali changed SO and my chatbox into green. Now everyone can start staring at my page and comment and not get your eyes spoilt (if it does, it is NOT because of my blog)
And silly me forgot to snapshot my blog old header before changing it. Luckily I blogged about Pamsong the other day and she took a snapshot of it. So I go korek-korek from her blog and found it here. Ta-da.
I love my new header also, got my face. Finally, cause face slim down a bit already, can put on blog already. Before this, every photo also cannot pakai one. XD Now, leave me comments okay?? If don't have nevermind (just in case really don't have then not so shy.)
UPDATED!!!Lol, didn't like the previous picture, eye look weird. =P Changed to this.
Wu~~~~ Wu~~~~
And I will have to bathe in cold water, eat at uni, sleep at hostel, wake up for morning exercise (better don't have lor. siao one.), midnight want pee have to go far far away for toilet. OK!!! I am so not ready for uni. And I got no super power mp3 or laptop to cure my boredom, not that I have time to use them.
But still, aiya, nevermind, Penang campus, opposite got S&J. Can go buy soft toy, huge one, T.T. Uni life better be good lor. Very kelian la me. Now I scared already, and I am in Penang lor. I don't want to guess how the rest are coping with it. When I'm in uni, I obviously can't blog or online and that means, hotmail is going to burst, UV is going to drop, and you people are going to leave me lots and lots of comments, daily. T.T
I think I just failed in cheating your comments. Not like any other post got many people comment also. But since I so kelian, cin cai come here and comment la, any post also can. I am internet-less leh. Has not been happening for a long long time lor. The last time I was close to not having internet connection was when I first moved in but I managed to curi also what.
I am now going to change my blog outlook, if berjaya. =P
LEAVE ME COMMENTS!!!! and get me reading with tears in my eye when I am back to online.
ps: Say until so long, never mention why got the wu~~ wu~~ sound. It's the wind la. Strong wind the entire morning till now.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Why you all like that one?
That my friend, is Kenny the Pooh's bum. If he comes and marah, I'll just have to go anonymous. T.T
Timothy Tiah holding tightly on his tail, worrying that someone might pull his tail. You know la, people are fascinated at long poked out stuff like the udder. =.="
Finally, when everyone starts leaving, Kenny the Pooh starts dancing.
And he was very seriously dancing. Shaking his bum bum with tiny tail.
And also danced with a hot girl.
While Kenny the Pooh is dancing, another lion? came out and danced with them too. =P Nampak excited sangat la that guy.
To those who find their pictures here, suka tak? Tak suka also cannot marah me.
And finally, it's time
Us with win as the photographer.
All of us. I will miss you girls. Win!!!! Go until Sabah. T.T
That's like 4 pictures of me trying to drink and take picture.
Ah Win curi take this. Must give her credit for doing it alone and not joining in our chat.
I love taking pictures of me drinking.
Thursday will be the last day I'll see Swee Win. T.T
Indeed a busy week
I am such a lousy person who is so not organized and super easily get panicked lor. I hate hate hate to rush things la. And yes, I am very nervous. So many things to do, so little time.
As my MSN nick says, if life is a music, it must be a rock one now. T.T tempo fast fast.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Nuffnang Wild Live Blogging!!
My three buddies who followed me there, yilin, win and jen.
Michelle who blogged about terrible Taiwanese singer's name. The first one I took picture with and THANK YOU for remembering my name. So happy kay? XD
Ringo whom I tried killing. =P Star struck la me. She was pretty and real friendly wor.
This ladybird lady which we were so eager to take picture with because she was so pretty. XD
But I don't get her name, please, if you know her, let me know her blog. =P I found her from Aronil's blog. =P
The Nuffies, that bunny was so pretty la...
The gorilla who finally did show me his face before we left.
The elephant terrorist which I think is pretty cool. Lol, love his
socks trunk.
Some random chicken. =P Can introduce ar? I not sure of the name or the blog la. But we loved his outfit. Chicken yummy what?
Me and Suet Li's friend, Audrey, the bee and Hui Wen, the peacock.
Sorry I did not get her name either. =)
Suet Li. And she remembers me too. I read her blog also la~~ It's good to have Ping Ping as your name, easier to remember.
PAMSONG!!! I have been her reader for quite some time la and I was looking for her. Finally approached her and took a picture. I think another guy, Hwei Ming has better picture of us. She stuck her name on her stomach there. How to check if she is Pamsong or not? Had to try to stare at her stomach without looking so hamsup. T.T
Me and another blogger who gave me his card. Will read his blog. =)
I like this cow also. He got tits kay? But the panda did not get his tits in the pic. =P
My Project Trafford group leader, PinkPau!!! So happy to meet you at the event. =)
Me and the twin tower. I already said don't want stand in the middle mar. T.T I am born short like this la. Glad to meet both of them lor. Star Struck again.
Finally. KENNY SIA!!!
The Winnie the Pooh. =P He was really friendly lor. Took a picture with us. I stand beside him. Happy si.
And me, live blogging though got 5 nangs only. XD
Linora. I have been following her blog recently. Glad to meet her too.
And who says I am a friendly cute hunter? I did try to be a garang one okay?
Overall, I enjoyed the event. It was hot and stuffy but I enjoyed it because I met so many bloggers I hoped to meet. Met all of those I really want to meet actually and took picture with them. Another new phase of my blogging life. Had a great time saying hi-s and taking picture lor. =)
Goodies bag. Love the bag lor.
Thanks for the wonderful night.
ps: Will update the event next post. This post is for the pictures I took of me and the bloggers I met. =)