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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Find this actor.

If any of you watched Over The Rainbow, this will be exciting. I don't care if you know this already. I don't okay? Anyway, you guys know Rex? That cute guy. Yea. This is his picture.

Cute right? Although I like Hyun Jook more.

Now.... Look for him in the below clip.

I couldn't find him. Not without this picture.
Find Rex. Not Ma Sang Mi. I know she is very pretty. Can you find Rex??
He is the guy behind Ma Sang Mi. THAT IS REX!!!!!!!! *WOAH* He looks like Won Bin in that picture lar. No meh?

Darn huge difference. o.O

ps: Below is his MV for the show Over The Rainbow. Why so big difference one? Don't say I stupid hor, but I really couldn't find him. I cannot see him anywhere also. Then I was like WHAT?? Yea. Damn huge reaction.

pps: I love this song.

and I love two of them. I can't help it. I love Ma Sang Mi and Hyun Jook

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bee Theng here, I'm following the show too! And is currently a big fan of Seo Ji Hye(Sang Mi) and Fany/Hwanhee(Rex). xD Btw, the reason he looks so different is because he underwent plastic surgery sometime last year I think. But he's still a fantastic singer anyway.

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